If I May Be Political Again, For Just A Moment

I am not an overly intelligent person, but I'm going to make an observation here. I just want to ramble for a bit, to be honest with you. I like to ramble, and at least pretend that I'm a smart guy for a bit. I must warn you that this post is going to piss some of you off. Which people? The ones that think they are some kind of political genius. You know the type; the people that have their opinion on one party or another, and no other opinion will ever matter to them. It's to those people that this post is dedicated to. If you are one of those individuals, you have every right to disagree with me, and get annoyed. You do not have the right to attack me, though I'm guessing that some of you will anyway. I guess that's what makes America so "great"; Americans can treat other Americans like shit. Freedom of speech, and all of that. What a county.

Politics are a wildly volatile subject in the United States. People lose friends and family over differing opinions. And no matter what side you come down on in the great red/blue war, you know that you  are right, and anybody that disagrees with you is a blind fucking idiot, who should be sent away to a different country, because only your opinion matters. All that oppose your views are just too dumb to even live. Does this sound like you? Well then, my friend, keep reading, because the remained of this post is for you.

You folks that are highly political need to understand something; politicians do not care about you. They don't care about your thoughts, your feelings. They don't care about your quality of life. They  don't care about your kids, about your friends, they don't care about your health. And they sure as hell don't care about how much money you have to make it through this long, horrible, drawn out, fucked up life. They care about one thing, and one thing only: your vote. Once they've got that in their greedy little hands, you are nothing but a number to them.

It's human nature to watch out for yourself, and your loved ones. And that's exactly what politicians do: they look out for themselves, and their loved ones. Their political office is nothing more than a job. Oh sure, it pays better than working at McDonald's, but at least McDonald's is honest work. Nobody thinks that you actually give a shit if their Big Mac is made correctly (and most times it is not!). They don't believe that you live your life for the sole purpose of serving them french fries. They know that you don't care that the damned ice cream machine is broke (though, after working for McDonald's for six years, I can tell you that more often than not, the machine is not broken, the employees just don't want to deal with ice cream). They know that you are there only for the paycheck. And that's what politicians are there for: the paycheck. They don't give a damn if your healthcare is good. They don't care if you struggle to live paycheck to paycheck. You don't believe that a McDonald's employee genuinely cares, so why do you believe that a politician cares? They do not.

In this country, we run on what is essentially a two party system. We have Republicans, and we have Democrats. Republicans tend to care more about money than they do people. Democrats tend to care more about free money, than they do about people. That's the two major parties, in a nut shell. And yes, maybe a bit oversimplified. To me, and this is just my take-away, Republicans tend to be on the more angry side of the coin. They think that anybody not a Republican are out to get them, and their money. Democrats seem a bit more laid back, and care about basic human rights: such as a right to an abortion, or the right to mind their own damn business. There are other parties out there, but we have been led to believe that those are the only two parties that really matter. What people fail to realize is that there is really only one party that matters: The Look Out For Your Own Damned Self Party. Again, this is just my take-away on the subject, and probably very oversimplified. And which side do I find myself? Neither. Once again, each side only really cares about their own lives, and the lives of their loved ones. Just like every one of us.

Plain and simple: they don't care. At all. Not one damn percent. Once you all understand that, your lives will be much easier. Once again: Politicians do not care about you. None of them. They care about their bank accounts, their families, and most importantly, themselves. Just like the rest of us. And if this post pisses you off, I'm guessing that you are probably are Republican, because you folks always seem really pissed off anyway.


PS: I forgot something very important for you all to remember... Trump is an asshole!
