Hello everyone out there in internet land, it's your old pal Rob here. I've stopped by just to talk to you all a bit about life, death, and maybe some of the other bits in-between. First off, I want to ask if you are all comfortable? Do you need to use the potty? I know that's a personal question, but I do not want to pause halfway through this because some irresponsible attendee didn't go tinkle. I know, that's harsh, but I think that's sort of what life is about... doing things that need to be done, even though you really would rather not do them right now. And don't tell me that you've never held it, just because you didn't feel like going right then. We have all done it a time or two. There's no shame in it, and I certainly won't think any less of you. So hurry up and go potty. Don't worry, we haven't really gotten started yet, so I will wait for you. Quickly now. Scoot, scoot.
((Pauses for a quick potty break... wondering if I should go myself. It seems like a lot of work, so I guess I'll hold it for now. I'm sure I can wait a bit. Right? Right?!))
Okay, now that everybody is here, and ready to go, let me start off by saying how much I've missed you all. I have had dreams where we all wander the isles of paradise together, picking flowers, and singing Don Ho songs (Or was it Don Henley? Them dang "boys of summer". Am I right?!). And at the end of the dream, I turn to each and every one of you, and I remind you that you matter... to me. We have a brief cry together, eat some ice cream, and then I wake up. Oh sure, it's usually covered in the sweet of some horrible nightmare that I had had previously, but that's not what we're talking about here, my friends. We're talking about the connection that you and I have forged. And that is worth more than our combined weight, in gold.
So anyway, today I want to talk to you a little bit about the things that interest me. Oh sure, I know that many of you are ready to bail now, and to be honest, I don't blame you. Why would anyone want to read what interests me? Why would anyone want to read along the rambling words that I have written, about a subject that you may, or may not, care about? My answer is... I dunno. Stop being mean to me, or I'm going to have to tell my mommy. And I think we all know that none of us want that. At least, I know that I don't. Cause then she's going to yell at you. And then you are going to cry. And then, I am going to cry. And before you know it, we'll all be crying. And that is just not a good way to use our time. So before you start getting all angry, remember that you can better than that. I know you can. I believe in you.

So first of all, I like video games. I am nowhere near as into them as I used to be. As a kid I would spend way too much time on consoles. Starting with the original NES, and working my way up to PlayStation. After PlayStation I really stopped playing console systems. I don't think it was the quality of the games really, just that as I get older, I lose patience for sitting in front of the TV for hours at a time. Also, and this is key, it's harder to listen to music when you're playing a console game. I don't know that is, and maybe I'm just being nitpicky here, but it is.
I got heavily into World of Warcraft back in 2007. I would tell you all how much time that I spent playing that game, but to be honest, I'm sure you would all judge me. It was a lot. I'm not entirely sure why I played it so much. It got to be more of a chore, than something fun to take my mind off of the crazy tailspin my emotions seemed to be locked in. It got to the point where I would actually dread logging in, and doing my daily quests. But for some reason, I kept doing it. I think it had to do more with escaping my shattered reality, than getting away to a gaming environment that I truly enjoyed. I've tried to go back to it a few times, but overall, I'd say that I left Azeroth four years ago. It's just no longer my thing.
Thankfully the makers of WoW also made Diablo, and more recently Diablo 3. And that is the gaming world that I turned to next. Well, maybe not thankfully, as it also seemed to consume me. I got trapped in the world of Sanctuary. To be fair, I mostly played during "work hours", but for a long time I enjoyed it. But once again, I started to grow bored, and was only playing the game to get the so-called "season achievements". So I slowly stopped playing that game as well. I haven't really played it at all since I met the woman that changed my life, back in December. I just don't feel the need to at this time. Maybe it will be fun to me again, down the road. I head the upcoming Necromancer Data Add is going to be pretty cool, so I'm thinking I might check that out. Who knows? Maybe.
Somewhere in-between those two games, came Minecraft. And if you don't know about Minecraft, let me break it down for you fairly simple: You take blocks, and you build blocky objects, while dodging skeletons, and mysterious phallus shaped creatures, that explode when you get to close to them (do with that bit of information, what you will). Now this game is probably the most simple, yet addictive game, that I ever found myself getting roped into. This is another one that initially, I played a lot. I actually bought this one while it was still in the "beta" stage. Meaning, it wasn't even fully developed yet, and I dropped my money on it. It's also another one that I just sort of got bored with. I think it was the sheer amount of time
It's funny to look at those last three paragraphs and see what kind of crazy, addictive nature that I have. How can a person get so addicted to a video game, that they find themselves forcing their way through it, day in, and day out? It's ridiculous when I look at it now. But to me, it makes sense. I was unhappy in my life. I was lost, sad, and alone, and these three games sort of helped me through it.

Then there's writing. I love to write. I used to start short stories when I was in elementary school. None of them were very good, but I just loved trying. The problem I has was that the story that I could see so clearly in my head, was rarely the story that I was able to get out onto paper. I can't tell you all how many stories, and books that I have abandoned.
In 7th grade, I started writing song lyrics. Again, I can't imagine that they were any good, but I just loved working my creative muscles on these shorter, more concise pieces. That began a lifelong love of writing them. I have written countless song lyrics, and a lot of them have been used for Liberty's Exiles (don't worry, we'll get to that soon). I remember the first lyric I wrote. At least, I remember the first verse, and chorus. How is this for literary gold:
"He's as fast as the sun, as dark as the light. Running to you without a bit of fright. So make it, he's gotta make it. He'll never make it if you bug him, you gotta learn it. Learn it, learn it well. Make it, learn it, oh well."
I know, that is most likely the greatest thing that you have ever read in your life. Please don't try to steal that, and go on that there America Is Super Talented show. That was a brief glimpse into the magnificence of my mind. Okay, in all seriousness, I like to think that I've gotten better at writing lyrics since 1991. I could be wrong, but I do feel as if it has, at the very least, improved slightly.
A few years ago, I started a book called "The Lost City". It's my theory on what may have happened to the lost colony of Roanoke, Virginia. To be honest, I think it could be pretty amazing, if I finish it. I have 34 chapters done. This year, I will finish it. By Christmas. I want to finish it up, and dedicate it to my amazing girlfriend. So I guess we can put that one in the "goals" column. I really do think it could be something that others would want to read. In fact, if you are reading this, and you want to read what I have so far, let me know. I'd love for someone to read through it, and let me know what they think.

Okay, so I talked about games, and writing, and I'm sure you are all still here, sitting on the edge of your seats, wondering what I am going to talk about next. Well... let's spend some time talking about music. I know, we've avoided it the entire life of this blog, but I can not talk about my interests without getting to music, because music has been such an important constant in my life. So here we go, the moment you have all been dreading... Rob talks music:
First of all, I have been in many bands. Many. Starting in Jr. High it seemed that I was always in one band or another. None of them ever really amounted to anything. I was the drummer in a few bands, and the keyboardist in a few bands. We weren't any good, but it was so much fun to do. I remember one band that seemed to enjoy doing Nirvana covers. I was the keyboardist in that band. So while the other guys were learning parts already written, I had to come up with some keyboard parts that didn't sound completely ridiculous in a Nirvana song. I can't say I was ever really successful, but I did try. And I think trying is better than, um... not trying.

And then there's Liberty's Exiles. Well, let's backtrack a little bit before LE. In 2012 I started writing this strange instrumental music, and recording it. None of it was overly good, but I was having fun with it. I'd create these strange soundscapes, with all sorts of unique things going on in the song. By the time 2013 rolled around, I had completed two albums of this stuff. But, I wanted more. I wanted to write songs with a real structure, and lyrics. That has always been hard for me. I can write an instrumental, soundscape piece rather easily.
Putting together a more conventional song is far more difficult. One song in particular, called "Alone Without You" (a song I was writing for my Uncle Casey, who we had lost in 2012) is one of the first songs that I finished all of the way through. I had written the music, the lyrics, and the vocal melody (the hardest part of song writing, for me). But I just wasn't happy with it. I think it's the vocals that bothered me. I never liked my own singing. That's where Simon stepped in. He re-recorded the vocals, added some guitar, and Liberty's Exiles was born. Since that first song, we have written sixteen albums together, and have several more already in the works. I have had so much fun working with Simon, creating music together. I am so proud of our work, even if we haven't become the world's most popular band... yet.
And finally, on this part of the topic, my solo project, Danux Auber, released its first album this year. The album is called "The Road To Forever", and has twelve songs. Some of these songs took me quite a long time to write. Some came very quickly. And two are just covers. I am so immensely proud of the album, even if I still don't like my vocals. I really think that a few of the songs are very good. It may not ever be heard by anyone except myself, and a small handful of other people, but I still like what I created. And I think that that is all that really matters in the end.
Okay, one last subject, and then I'll let you all pack up your things, and get out of here. I know that it has been a long road this time, and I thank any of you that have made it this far... though I'm concerned about what kind of life you are leading if you have spent so much time reading my words. I won't say that you should seek some type of professional help, but you should definitely re-examine your life, and what you want to do with it. I say this only for you, and my deep love for you as a person. Maybe take up a hobby of your own? I hear that fly-fishing is pretty cool. Just some food for thought. Hmm... I hate that saying; "food for thought"? What the deuce does that even mean? It's just silly, I tell ya. Downright silly!
Okay, so... I love creating music, but the one thing I love more than that, or any other hobby of mine is listening to music. I have always been a big fan of music. Ever since I was a little tyke, my dad would play music around the house. From bands like ELP, Styx, and yes, Rush, there was always music playing in the house when I was growing up. To me, nothing has been as therapeutic as music. Nothing can beat turning on some music and just getting lost in the stories, the melody, the instruments. I just love everything about it. I suppose it has become an obsession of sorts for me. Some people have sports, some people have cars, some even have drugs, for me, music has always been my drug. I don't think that there is any genre of music that I don't like at least something in. Though, I must say that I avoid rap, hip-hop, pop, opera, and country, for the most part.

In the world of music, my favorites tend to be Prog Rock. Now there is another sign that I am a huge geek. I actually listen to, and love Prog Rock. Older Prog acts like Rush, Yes, ELP, Pink Floyd, and Genesis, and newer Prog acts like Dream Theater, Porcupine Tree, and my favorite musician of all time, Neal Morse, are by far my favorites. It's this genre of music that has always made me feel just a bit more unique. It's definitely not a music choice for those with low attention spans. Many songs in this genre are rather lengthy. Like 20+ minutes lengthy. I guess I got into this as a way to distance myself from the so-called "popular kids". I didn't feel like I was good enough to listen to what the cool kids were. Now, I'm happy I made that choice. I can't listen to much of the popular music these days. My ears just want to crawl into a dark hole and die, every time they hear it. I know it's elitist, and snobby to think this way, but I've made my peace with it, and so should you.
So, that's my story for today. I just thought that if you wanted to know a bit more about me, that this would be a good jumping off point to get to know a little bit about what makes me tick. I'm a strange, sarcastic person, with a weird sense of humor, but I like to think I have a good heart. Even if, as a ginger, I have no soul.
Thank you so much for tuning in to this week's episode. Next time we'll talk a bit more about my days with the traveling circus, flea market connoisseur, and purveyor of all object shiny. Until next time, remember to drink your ovaltine, spay, and neuter your grandparents, and never forget to wash behind your ears! It's been real, and it's been fun. Toodles, my friends. Toodles!
((Pauses for a quick potty break... wondering if I should go myself. It seems like a lot of work, so I guess I'll hold it for now. I'm sure I can wait a bit. Right? Right?!))
Okay, now that everybody is here, and ready to go, let me start off by saying how much I've missed you all. I have had dreams where we all wander the isles of paradise together, picking flowers, and singing Don Ho songs (Or was it Don Henley? Them dang "boys of summer". Am I right?!). And at the end of the dream, I turn to each and every one of you, and I remind you that you matter... to me. We have a brief cry together, eat some ice cream, and then I wake up. Oh sure, it's usually covered in the sweet of some horrible nightmare that I had had previously, but that's not what we're talking about here, my friends. We're talking about the connection that you and I have forged. And that is worth more than our combined weight, in gold.
So anyway, today I want to talk to you a little bit about the things that interest me. Oh sure, I know that many of you are ready to bail now, and to be honest, I don't blame you. Why would anyone want to read what interests me? Why would anyone want to read along the rambling words that I have written, about a subject that you may, or may not, care about? My answer is... I dunno. Stop being mean to me, or I'm going to have to tell my mommy. And I think we all know that none of us want that. At least, I know that I don't. Cause then she's going to yell at you. And then you are going to cry. And then, I am going to cry. And before you know it, we'll all be crying. And that is just not a good way to use our time. So before you start getting all angry, remember that you can better than that. I know you can. I believe in you.
So first of all, I like video games. I am nowhere near as into them as I used to be. As a kid I would spend way too much time on consoles. Starting with the original NES, and working my way up to PlayStation. After PlayStation I really stopped playing console systems. I don't think it was the quality of the games really, just that as I get older, I lose patience for sitting in front of the TV for hours at a time. Also, and this is key, it's harder to listen to music when you're playing a console game. I don't know that is, and maybe I'm just being nitpicky here, but it is.
I got heavily into World of Warcraft back in 2007. I would tell you all how much time that I spent playing that game, but to be honest, I'm sure you would all judge me. It was a lot. I'm not entirely sure why I played it so much. It got to be more of a chore, than something fun to take my mind off of the crazy tailspin my emotions seemed to be locked in. It got to the point where I would actually dread logging in, and doing my daily quests. But for some reason, I kept doing it. I think it had to do more with escaping my shattered reality, than getting away to a gaming environment that I truly enjoyed. I've tried to go back to it a few times, but overall, I'd say that I left Azeroth four years ago. It's just no longer my thing.
Thankfully the makers of WoW also made Diablo, and more recently Diablo 3. And that is the gaming world that I turned to next. Well, maybe not thankfully, as it also seemed to consume me. I got trapped in the world of Sanctuary. To be fair, I mostly played during "work hours", but for a long time I enjoyed it. But once again, I started to grow bored, and was only playing the game to get the so-called "season achievements". So I slowly stopped playing that game as well. I haven't really played it at all since I met the woman that changed my life, back in December. I just don't feel the need to at this time. Maybe it will be fun to me again, down the road. I head the upcoming Necromancer Data Add is going to be pretty cool, so I'm thinking I might check that out. Who knows? Maybe.
Somewhere in-between those two games, came Minecraft. And if you don't know about Minecraft, let me break it down for you fairly simple: You take blocks, and you build blocky objects, while dodging skeletons, and mysterious phallus shaped creatures, that explode when you get to close to them (do with that bit of information, what you will). Now this game is probably the most simple, yet addictive game, that I ever found myself getting roped into. This is another one that initially, I played a lot. I actually bought this one while it was still in the "beta" stage. Meaning, it wasn't even fully developed yet, and I dropped my money on it. It's also another one that I just sort of got bored with. I think it was the sheer amount of time
It's funny to look at those last three paragraphs and see what kind of crazy, addictive nature that I have. How can a person get so addicted to a video game, that they find themselves forcing their way through it, day in, and day out? It's ridiculous when I look at it now. But to me, it makes sense. I was unhappy in my life. I was lost, sad, and alone, and these three games sort of helped me through it.
Then there's writing. I love to write. I used to start short stories when I was in elementary school. None of them were very good, but I just loved trying. The problem I has was that the story that I could see so clearly in my head, was rarely the story that I was able to get out onto paper. I can't tell you all how many stories, and books that I have abandoned.
In 7th grade, I started writing song lyrics. Again, I can't imagine that they were any good, but I just loved working my creative muscles on these shorter, more concise pieces. That began a lifelong love of writing them. I have written countless song lyrics, and a lot of them have been used for Liberty's Exiles (don't worry, we'll get to that soon). I remember the first lyric I wrote. At least, I remember the first verse, and chorus. How is this for literary gold:
"He's as fast as the sun, as dark as the light. Running to you without a bit of fright. So make it, he's gotta make it. He'll never make it if you bug him, you gotta learn it. Learn it, learn it well. Make it, learn it, oh well."
I know, that is most likely the greatest thing that you have ever read in your life. Please don't try to steal that, and go on that there America Is Super Talented show. That was a brief glimpse into the magnificence of my mind. Okay, in all seriousness, I like to think that I've gotten better at writing lyrics since 1991. I could be wrong, but I do feel as if it has, at the very least, improved slightly.
A few years ago, I started a book called "The Lost City". It's my theory on what may have happened to the lost colony of Roanoke, Virginia. To be honest, I think it could be pretty amazing, if I finish it. I have 34 chapters done. This year, I will finish it. By Christmas. I want to finish it up, and dedicate it to my amazing girlfriend. So I guess we can put that one in the "goals" column. I really do think it could be something that others would want to read. In fact, if you are reading this, and you want to read what I have so far, let me know. I'd love for someone to read through it, and let me know what they think.
Okay, so I talked about games, and writing, and I'm sure you are all still here, sitting on the edge of your seats, wondering what I am going to talk about next. Well... let's spend some time talking about music. I know, we've avoided it the entire life of this blog, but I can not talk about my interests without getting to music, because music has been such an important constant in my life. So here we go, the moment you have all been dreading... Rob talks music:
First of all, I have been in many bands. Many. Starting in Jr. High it seemed that I was always in one band or another. None of them ever really amounted to anything. I was the drummer in a few bands, and the keyboardist in a few bands. We weren't any good, but it was so much fun to do. I remember one band that seemed to enjoy doing Nirvana covers. I was the keyboardist in that band. So while the other guys were learning parts already written, I had to come up with some keyboard parts that didn't sound completely ridiculous in a Nirvana song. I can't say I was ever really successful, but I did try. And I think trying is better than, um... not trying.
And then there's Liberty's Exiles. Well, let's backtrack a little bit before LE. In 2012 I started writing this strange instrumental music, and recording it. None of it was overly good, but I was having fun with it. I'd create these strange soundscapes, with all sorts of unique things going on in the song. By the time 2013 rolled around, I had completed two albums of this stuff. But, I wanted more. I wanted to write songs with a real structure, and lyrics. That has always been hard for me. I can write an instrumental, soundscape piece rather easily.
Putting together a more conventional song is far more difficult. One song in particular, called "Alone Without You" (a song I was writing for my Uncle Casey, who we had lost in 2012) is one of the first songs that I finished all of the way through. I had written the music, the lyrics, and the vocal melody (the hardest part of song writing, for me). But I just wasn't happy with it. I think it's the vocals that bothered me. I never liked my own singing. That's where Simon stepped in. He re-recorded the vocals, added some guitar, and Liberty's Exiles was born. Since that first song, we have written sixteen albums together, and have several more already in the works. I have had so much fun working with Simon, creating music together. I am so proud of our work, even if we haven't become the world's most popular band... yet.
And finally, on this part of the topic, my solo project, Danux Auber, released its first album this year. The album is called "The Road To Forever", and has twelve songs. Some of these songs took me quite a long time to write. Some came very quickly. And two are just covers. I am so immensely proud of the album, even if I still don't like my vocals. I really think that a few of the songs are very good. It may not ever be heard by anyone except myself, and a small handful of other people, but I still like what I created. And I think that that is all that really matters in the end.
Okay, one last subject, and then I'll let you all pack up your things, and get out of here. I know that it has been a long road this time, and I thank any of you that have made it this far... though I'm concerned about what kind of life you are leading if you have spent so much time reading my words. I won't say that you should seek some type of professional help, but you should definitely re-examine your life, and what you want to do with it. I say this only for you, and my deep love for you as a person. Maybe take up a hobby of your own? I hear that fly-fishing is pretty cool. Just some food for thought. Hmm... I hate that saying; "food for thought"? What the deuce does that even mean? It's just silly, I tell ya. Downright silly!
Okay, so... I love creating music, but the one thing I love more than that, or any other hobby of mine is listening to music. I have always been a big fan of music. Ever since I was a little tyke, my dad would play music around the house. From bands like ELP, Styx, and yes, Rush, there was always music playing in the house when I was growing up. To me, nothing has been as therapeutic as music. Nothing can beat turning on some music and just getting lost in the stories, the melody, the instruments. I just love everything about it. I suppose it has become an obsession of sorts for me. Some people have sports, some people have cars, some even have drugs, for me, music has always been my drug. I don't think that there is any genre of music that I don't like at least something in. Though, I must say that I avoid rap, hip-hop, pop, opera, and country, for the most part.
In the world of music, my favorites tend to be Prog Rock. Now there is another sign that I am a huge geek. I actually listen to, and love Prog Rock. Older Prog acts like Rush, Yes, ELP, Pink Floyd, and Genesis, and newer Prog acts like Dream Theater, Porcupine Tree, and my favorite musician of all time, Neal Morse, are by far my favorites. It's this genre of music that has always made me feel just a bit more unique. It's definitely not a music choice for those with low attention spans. Many songs in this genre are rather lengthy. Like 20+ minutes lengthy. I guess I got into this as a way to distance myself from the so-called "popular kids". I didn't feel like I was good enough to listen to what the cool kids were. Now, I'm happy I made that choice. I can't listen to much of the popular music these days. My ears just want to crawl into a dark hole and die, every time they hear it. I know it's elitist, and snobby to think this way, but I've made my peace with it, and so should you.
So, that's my story for today. I just thought that if you wanted to know a bit more about me, that this would be a good jumping off point to get to know a little bit about what makes me tick. I'm a strange, sarcastic person, with a weird sense of humor, but I like to think I have a good heart. Even if, as a ginger, I have no soul.
Thank you so much for tuning in to this week's episode. Next time we'll talk a bit more about my days with the traveling circus, flea market connoisseur, and purveyor of all object shiny. Until next time, remember to drink your ovaltine, spay, and neuter your grandparents, and never forget to wash behind your ears! It's been real, and it's been fun. Toodles, my friends. Toodles!
Quite an interesting read my friend,you're a complex yet silly man lol
ReplyDeleteWhy thank you. lol
DeleteInteresting . . . very interesting!!! 😀