Back To the Writing

Hello, my dear friends. I guess it has been several minutes since I last chatted with you. So much has happened since the last time. I believe that not only have you all grown, but I have grown as well. And I'm not talking about my receding hair-line here, although, that has done plenty of growing. I'm talking about how I've grown as a person. I have gone from the person that I was a week ago, to the person that I am today. And what type of people were they, you may find yourself asking? Well, to be honest, I have no idea. But, I do feel that I have changed as a person. And maybe all of the changes haven't been for the best, and maybe they have been. I guess time will have to tell on that one. And you know something, my friends? I think that it will. Because sometimes I don't think we know where it is that we are going, until we get there. The important thing to remember is to make the most of the journey. And so, that is exactly what I'm going to do; I'm going to make the most of this journey. Because, from what I understand, we only live once.

So, now that my long intro is out of the way, let's get down to business here. No, there isn't a lot of business today. In fact, this may end up being a fairly short entry, but I felt that I would let you all know that I have finally decided to get back to writing my novel. I started this book, tentatively called "The Lost City", at least five, maybe six years ago. Well, I've decided that I would like to dust it off, and actually finish the first draft. Currently I have the first 90 pages written. I think I have something that could be very cool here. It is time that I finished this thing, and see where it takes me.

My goal is to have the first draft completely finished by Christmas. Why? Because, I want to finish it, and dedicate it to my amazing girlfriend, Julia. She has been my rock this year, and I don't know where my life would be without her. So instead of trying to find some gift for her, I thought I would do something a bit more personal, and dedicate my first, finished novel to her. So wish me luck, because writing is very difficult. It takes a lot of dedication, concentration, and more than just a little luck, to get all of the ideas that are in my head, out of there, and on to paper.

So there it is folks, my blog update for today. I know, this thing was crazy short. I couldn't even tell you why it is so short. Maybe the reason is that there just isn't a lot needed on this subject, at this point in time. Maybe I'm being abducted by small leprechauns, who want to show me back to their lair, so that we may feast on Keebler Cookies, and delicious Robert's Milk (NO! I do not know how they make it taste so good, so don't even ask me!). Or maybe, just maybe, it's because there are only so many things that we can concentrate on once, and I already have so many things in my head, that it is currently a jumbled mess as it is. Whatever the reason, just know that I love, and appreciate every single person that reads these things. Because without you all, I wouldn't even be writing these blog posts. And if that were to happen, I may just slip quietly back into the obscurity of a ginger, from the great state of Iowa.

Until next time, pick your friends, pick your noses, but don't pick your friends' noses. Unless, of course, that is your thing. In that case... bring lots of tissue!


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