Plus ça Change, Plus C'est la Même Chose

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So, my friends, we finally come to another blog post from me. Hard to believe it's been nearly a week since my last post. You know how sometimes you want to keep up on something, but life keeps getting in the way? Well, that has happened pretty every day, this past week or so. So much going on in the life of Rob, that I thought it was time to end your long days of suffering, and sort of talk a bit about what is going on this week.

Change is the name of the game, my friends. So much change, that I hardly know where to start, or how to get my thoughts in order, just to let you know the "Cliff Notes" version. I guess we'll start with the bigger things, and fill in some of the smaller holes, as I ramble my way through yet another blog post.

Well, the big cheese is that we moved out of CB. I know, I'm shocked myself. I've always wanted to set my roots elsewhere, but never thought I would do it. Something always came up. Whether it be that my (soon-to-be-ex) wife didn't want to move, or I stayed because I would miss my mom too much, or maybe I was just too busy doing my hair, something always came up. We were pretty excited when we finally found our place. We had looked everywhere outside of CB. So when we found this place, I feel like we were still skeptical on whether or not we would get it. Well, obviously we did. We started moving in on Saturday, and finished the bulk of it on Sunday. There are some minor things that we still have to gather up, but otherwise we are moved. I am no officially living with my amazing, beautiful girlfriend. Even typing that, I get goosebumps. I know it's only been a few days living with her, but I've loved ever second that we have spent together in our home.

I guess I can't really talk about change without mentioning my evil foot. First off, you know how you don't generally want to be able to see bone through a hole in your foot? Well, I can do that. It's so gross. The hole is pretty deep, from the surgery. The cut my foot open, took some things out (including a small bone), drained some stuff, and now I'm hooked to a wound vac. Now, if you don't know what that is, it's basically a small pump, that has a hose hooked to it, that is draining stuff from the wound, as well as promoting healthy tissue growth. So, I have a hose coming off of my foot, that is sucking blood, and gunk into a small container. I even get to carry an awesome little black purse, everywhere I go. 24 hours a day. I'm told that there is a chance that I get rid of the thing by the end of the month. So, I guess I wouldn't mind some thoughts, prayers, and well wishes on this.

Do you know the weirdest changes in my life right now? Giving up all of the things that I used to think were so important, that I realized just are not. Like CD collecting. I used to be all about getting CD's. And so many of them I had never, and would never have listened to. I got rid of a nice portion of them (even a lot of Rush), and I don't care. I have them all on my computer, so why do I need them taking up space on shelves? I never even played the bulk of them. Just bought them, ripped to my computer, and shoved them on a shelf. It's crazy to think how much money I spent on the damned thing. Don't get me wrong, I will still pay for any music that I want, because you better damn well support the artists that you love, but my CD collecting days are over. That's a pretty damn big change for me. And one that I won't miss. I just don't need CD's to make me happy, any longer. So it is a change, but it is a good one.

Crazy to think that with all of the changes in my life, they are all good changes. They are all helping me to arrive at a person that I can be proud of. A person that I can live with. A better Rob. And I owe all of that to Julia. She has been such a hugely positive influence, not only in my life, but in my kids' life. And I couldn't love her more, if I tried. But, trust me, I will be trying. She always finds new ways for me to love her.

So there you have it. Some of the changes going on in my life. Maybe I didn't ramble quite as much this time, as I usually do. But I guess I just had some things to say, and they need to be said. But they were pretty short, and to the point. And I guess that sometimes that can be a good thing. Sort of a "let's get this over with" kind of thing? Okay, maybe not that, but you all know what I mean. We're all fast friends these days.

Until next time, remember to never forget. And I'll forget to never remember. And somewhere in-between, you and I will meet. We'll share a moment or two, and both of us will be better from the experience. Good night, all!

