The Fire Hydrant Quandary

It's been a while since I've written a post that sort of let's you all know what going on in the magical land of Rob. I know you've all been thinking about me, but I promise that I've been thinking about all of you even more. Okay, to be honest, I haven't thought about all of you. There are a couple of you towards the back that I try not to think about at all. I think it's more about your personality than anything else. You're just a bit too much... you, for me. Does that make sense? It does? Okay, I think you need help! There is no way that that should have made any sense at all to you. You must be some crazy kind of special, and that scares me, a lot a bit.

Anyhoodles, how have you all been? I've been pretty good. I'm sort of just hanging out, and working, and trying my hardest to stay out of trouble. Of course, when you're a ginger living in a material world, and being a material girl, it gets hard to stay out of trouble. Ya dig? Hmm... that almost sounds like it could be a song. Or at least a fragment of a song. I guess I'll get working on that. But not right now. Right now, I need to tell you all my story. or at least, my more recent story.

I guess the biggest life changing news in my life is that my divorce was finalized on August, 23rd. My ex-wife signed the papers, and they were filed, and signed by the judge the next day. It's crazy how fast the ending came. And what it boiled down to was only three pieces of paper. It's weird to think that more than seventeen years of marriage boiled down to three pieces of paper. I guess I can officially close that chapter of my life. I wish her the best of everything, and hope that she can move on with her life, and be happy.

Now that the divorce is over I can start to focus on what I want out of this next phase of my life. Where I see myself in the next ten years, or however long I choose to look ahead. And the truth is, I'm loving life too much to think too far ahead. I mean, we have some plans, and we have some things that we'd like to do. But for right now, I think I'm[ just happy living in a life that means something pretty special to me.

When I think about the person that I was this time last year, the sad, and unhappy man, it's amazing to see what a change I have gone through. I wake each day wanting to be awake. I smile more. I never thought I'd be wearing one of those "real smiles" that you hear so much about, so that is cool.

A few years ago, I once wrote a song called "Another Page To Turn", and a couple of the lines stick out to me, even more now. One of the lines is, "...decisions that you made have become so life defining". The other is "Moments of happiness will always come and go." I think those two lines sort of sum up where my headspace was back then. I was sort of plodding through each day, hoping that the next wouldn't be such a mess in my head. I'm happy to say that my head is very clear now. I know what I want out of life, and I know who I want to share that life with. It's an amazing feeling.

I guess I should shift gears here and talk briefly about my foot. The last week of June was crazy for me. Here I was with a house that still needed packed for a big move, and instead I go and get myself admitted into the hospital. For nearly a year, I had this swollen spot on my right foot that my podiatrist assured me was nothing major to worry about. When that sport swelled up to many times the normal size, it became immediately apparent that something was wrong. Long story short, I got surgery on the foot, and it was pretty gnarly (people still use that word, right?). They removed a tiny bone, left me in a hospital bed for a week, then sent me home with a wound vac.

The day after I was discharged, we moved to Shenandoah, Iowa. And I'll tell you something, my good friends, I love it here. It's such a nice little town. The people are friendlier, the town is cleaner, and I couldn't think of a better place to start this next phase of my life. It's quite a beautiful little town. The kids just started school last week, the house is really coming together, and Julia and I get to spend a little more time alone. That's all a huge check in the "plus column" for me!

Now I'd like to talk about today about ambitions. I have a couple ambitious projects that I'd like to finish this year. I started off this year with one goal in mind: to write a progressive rock epic. For those of you that don't know what the hell that is, a progressive rock epic is a longer song (I'm thinking in the fifteen minute range, for this track), that is sometimes broken into a few parts, and tells a story. Fans of the bands Rush, Yes, and Dream Theater have a very good indication as to what that might entail. I'm not far along in the track yet. I have some musical ideas for the first and third parts, but not the middle section just yet. Lyrically, it is based on "The Little Prince", one of my girlfriend's favorite books. That may be the easiest bit to finish this year. Music wise, I'd also like to finish some of the back log of Liberty's Exiles / MistEir songs I have, waiting for keys. So I'm actually looking forward to getting that started!

My second goal will be a bit tougher, but I want to finish the novel that I started years ago. It's a really cool story about my theory on the lost colony of Roanoke, Virginia. Now when I say that I want to finish it, I mean that I want to at least get the first draft done. It's my goal to get the story written, and give it to Julia for Christmas. She has done so much for me, and my kids, that I want to dedicate the novel to her. I think it could be a really cool book, and from what I've told her about it, she agrees. So wish me luck on that one.

Anyhow, I really don't have much more to say at this time. I know that this is a rather abrupt ending, but when you run out of things to say, I've found that it's better to just shut up, and let people go. So if you have read this far, I thank you for sticking it out with me. I hope that you have enjoyed my rambling. And as always, stay classy, my friends.
