To Carry On

The world is a very scary place. Right now it is suffering from hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, and even man made tragedies, like terrorist attacks. Every day, something is trying to remove this race from the face of the Earth. I think part of it may very well be that the Earth is tired of this failed experiment called "mankind". By and large, we are a very hateful species.

You hear about hate every day. In some way, shape, or form, mankind is spreading hate, and preaching fear. Whether it be our religious groups, who are sure that they know what's best for us, both in this life, and in the next, or just random activist groups, who want to tell people how to live their lives. There are even terrorist groups who are so adamant that their ways are the right ways, that they dictate when so many should live, and when so many should die.

Yesterday was the sixteenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the United States. I remember sixteen years ago, watching in horror as many chose to jump to their deaths, rather than burn alive in the World Trade Center towers. These were people's children, their parents, their friends. But because of the beliefs of some sorely misguided souls, those people had to die that day. And I have to ask myself: why? After so many years, the terror of that day is still with me. It is still with all of us good, kind people, who only want to love our friends, and family, and try to get by in this world, with as little sorrow, and pain as we can. But at the end of the day it's not the good ones that choose our destiny, but the bad ones. The evil ones. The ones who only want to watch the world burn.

I find myself at a point in my life where I want to wake up the next day. For the longest time I did not want to. I wanted each day to be my last. So for a while, as long as it didn't hurt anyone else, I welcomed death. And now, I want to live. I want to see what tomorrow has in store for me. And though I'll admit that not every second of my life is great now, most of them are. And there are a lot of seconds in the day. 86,400 of them. I look forward to most of them. That's not bad. When I dreaded most before, it's not bad to look forward to so many of them.

We live in a world where we can choose to be part of the problem, part of the solution, or choose to keep our heads down, and just live for ourselves, and the ones we love. For much of my life, I think I chose that third option. But I'm wondering if I couldn't find some middle ground, where I live for my loved ones, but also live to make this world just a little bit better for those that will come after us. Our children's children. Is it so bad to try and make this planet somewhere where future generations could lead their own lives? Many think so. Many think that we just need to continue as we have been, because future generations are not our problem. And that's the kind of thinking that is going to damn them all. Oh sure, this planet may not eject us in some way from it's loving arms any time soon, but who's to say what will happen a little bit down the road.

In recent weeks, many lives have been changed by hurricanes, and earthquakes, wild fires, and hate fueled attacks. And for those that think that the natural disasters are just coincidences, and have nothing to do with the way that mankind have treated this planet, you folks are just as bad for this planet as the ones carrying out their terroristic plots. Oh sure, you may not be evil exactly, but you are just as naïve, and in the end, I believe that it is that kind of thinking that will do us all in.

So today, I'm going to hug my kiddos, and girlfriend a little tighter, and be thankful for all that I have. I'll admit, we may not have much. We may not be living like the one per cent. We may face each day with new worries, new problems, and new situations. But we face each day together. And I couldn't think of a better group of people to spend my days with. I'm thankful for my kids, I'm thankful for my girlfriend, and her kids, I'm thankful for my friends and family, and I am thankful for any of you that happen to read this long post of mine.

As I continue to put the past behind me, I will smile at the memories that were good. I will let those that I care about know that I care about them. And I will do my best to be a good person. I'll admit that I may not always be successful on that last part, but I will try. Always. Because that is the only way to honor those that lost their lives earlier than they should have. From whatever event that caused them to lose their lives.

I know that this post was rather long, and I'm okay with that. I like to write. I don't know if I'm good at it. But I do believe that it was the gift that God (or whatever higher being you believe in) gave me. And I no longer intend to waste it.

I hope that when you read this, you are having a good day. And if you are not, I hope that things turn around for you. I know my constant readers are getting tired of hearing it, but things turned around for me when I met Julia. She is the reason for my smile. So to her, and to Robbie, Selena, Samantha, and even her kiddos, thank you all so much for giving me a reason to wake up every morning. And to all of the others that happen to read this blog post, thank you for taking the time out of your day to read the thoughts of this crazy ginger. It means a lot to me.

Until next time... toodles.
