The Random Unicorn

So, for this post, I am writing it from my phone.
Sitting in a hotel pool room. There are five kids swimming. Five kids that I am so proud to know. Two of them are mine. My daughters. Such a huge part of my life. I have known them, and loved then since day one. The other three are what I call my "bonus kids". I've only known them for about a year. They are great kids. The sixth kid, my son, did not come today. I know. He's a turd. But I love him anyway. God only knows why. Haha.

On my phone, I have my favorite Rush album playing. "Counterparts". I can barely hear it. But I've heard it so many times, that every moment of the album is committed to memory. I'm not ashamed of this fact. Music is what has helped me grow. Music is, and always has been, a huge part of me. It's part of my DNA. I love it.

It's funny how long it is taking me to type this, when compared to how long it takes on my computer keyboard. I'm a fast typer. I'm am a rubbish texter. I taught myself how to type. Out of necessity. A relationship from long ago. Funny how things like that happen. The relationship is long over, but the lessons have remained.

I ask myself why I am putting myself through the chore of updating my blog from my phone. The only answer I can come up with is that I just love to write. I always have. I may not be very good at it. But I love to do it. It keeps my brain working. I like to keep that working. It's my big ticket item. I'm going to need it to get me further in life. To finish my book. To write my new one. I'll be very famous one day. You mark my words on this.

So, since you all asked, I find myself with yet another problem with my right foot. After the surgery at the end of June, the swelling had still not gone down. Now, a blister opened up. I got to see the podiatrist again today. A new one. I liked him. My usual guy retired last week. So there is a new open wound. I gotta be careful. I gotta baby it again. To be honest, it's kind if hard on me. I want to walk. I want to get back to my 10+ miles of walking a day. I miss it. The music in my ears. The feeling that I'm making myself better. I miss walks with Julia. I just want the chance to fix me. Maybe someday. Maybe.

I drive. I drive a lot. We find ourselves driving back and forth between Shenandoah, and Council Bluffs, Iowa a lot. It's not as bad as it was in the beginning. I do well. Unless it's dark. Then my eyes, they fight me, my friends. They do not like staying open. They're kind of assholes. Like my right foot, they don't like to listen to my head. Little assholes. If my body parts could just start listening to me, that would be great.

Okay folks, that's all I have to say for now. I hope you all have a great evening. And a pleasant day. Catch you all on the flip side.

