With Love, And Respect

Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends. Ladies and gentlemen... it's 2018. I know, I'm pretty excited about it too. I've never been so excited about a new year. The reason is of course because 2017 was such a fantastic year for me. I have such high hopes for 2018. I have many resolutions this year. So many things that I am looking forward to. So many things that I want to do. So many memories that I want to make. So many changes in myself that I want to continue to make. I have this feeling that 2018 is going to be even better than 2017. And 2017 was the greatest year of my life. So that is saying something.

In 2018 I resolve to be a better man. I want to continue growing. I want to continue learning. I want to continue moving towards the person that I have always wanted to be. I have never felt so at peace with myself. I've cast off the pretend Rob. I am moving towards being the Rob that I want to be. And to live the rest of this life I have been given with a smile on my face, and in my heart.

In 2018 I resolve to be a writer. I will finish my first novel. I will continue writing it until it is just the way that I want my book to be. I want to put everything I can into it. I really do believe that it's a great story. And with Julia encouraging me, I know I can finish my book. I'm so excited to finish it.

In 2018 I resolve to start my new review blog. It will be a blog for me to review the music that I'm listening to. It will be a blog for me to review the movies that I have been watching. It will be a blog for me to review the shows that I have been watching. It will be a blog to review the books that I have been reading. And there is a lot of music I want to hear, shows and movies that I want to see, and books that I want to read. All of these things will help me in my pursuit to be a better writer.

In 2018 I resolve to update my blog more. I like sharing my thoughts. I like having this as a medium to write the way I do. I like being able to come here and just be goofy. I like being able to come here and write seriously, when I choose to. I like being able to come here and just write. To get the weird thoughts out of my head. To get the funny thoughts out of my head. To get all of the thoughts out of my head. I like being able to come here and subject you all to my strange way of writing. I write here with ease. I write here with a smile on my face. I write here because it helps me feel better.

In 2018 I resolve to write more music. To record more music. There is so much Liberty's Exiles, and MistEir work to do, and I am itching to get to it. I also want to finish my third solo album. It's an album written for, and inspired by my beautiful fiancée. She deserves to have songs written about her. She is my muse. She is my best friend. So my third solo album will be for her. I'm pulling together lyrics now. And soon, the music will follow. And with a little help from the man in the sky, I will write vocal melodies for those songs. For her. For Julia.

In 2018 I resolve to provide for my family. I may have to find another job, as the one I've had for years no longer seems like it's going to be able to help me provide for my family. That fact kind of makes me sad, as I do love my job. But there have to be better things out there for me. I have a huge problem with social anxiety, but my family needs me. So if I have to move on to a new job, so be it. They deserve me to do my very best, and I don't know if my current job, a job I have been doing for more than sixteen years, will be able to help me move forward. And though I certainly hope it doesn't come to leaving, I guess time will tell on that one.

In 2018 I resolve to be healthier. As I continue on this path that my life has brought me to, I'm determined to make this life last. And that can only happen if I keep losing weight. If I continue bettering myself. I came into this year a better man. I came into this year with all of my limbs, and I will do my best to leave this year with all of them. But whatever does happen, I know that it's all part of some grand plan for me. I know that there is a plan for me. And it just keeps looking better, and better. My body is going to be okay. And so will my mind.

In 2018 I resolve to be a good dad. I believe I always have been. But there is always room for growth in that area. I'm always learning how to be better. I will be a good dad to my own kids. I will teach them all that I know. I will teach them to be good people. I will teach them that they will always have my heart. And I will continue to work on being good to Julia's kids. I know I'm not their dad. I never will be. They have a dad that they love. I would never want to take that title from him. And they wouldn't want that either. But, I do want to be there for them. I always will be. All six of our kids are amazing people, and I am so proud of each and every one of them.

In 2018 I resolve to treat Julia like she means the world to me. I will continue showing her just how much I love, and appreciate her. Everything that she does for me. Everything that she does for my kids. Everything that she does for others. I appreciate it all. I love everything about her. And I will continue to show her that she is my world. And as we start this new year, we both start it together. We start it not knowing where this year will go, but with high hopes that it will be a great year. I will be good to her. I will treat her with the love, the kindness, and the admiration that she deserves. I love you so much, Julia. With all of my heart, and soul.

In 2018 I resolve to make this year better than the last. I will learn things along the way. And as always, I will lose things along the way. I will lose musicians that I admire. I may lose friends that I admire, or love. Who can say what will happen during the year? But I do know that I will learn. I will learn to be a better person. I will learn to be a better writer. I will learn to be a better father. I will learn to be a better friend. I will learn to be someone that a person could look up to. I will learn to be someone that a person could admire. I will learn to be a good husband, if getting married is in the cards for this year. And I'm honestly hoping that it is. I will learn to be a better me.

In 2018 I resolve to be there for anyone who needs me to be. As a person to vent to. As a person to lean on. As a person to just be there in a time of need, sorrow, or happiness. Because this is how I become a better person: to be there for others, and to be there for myself. If we could all be there for others, to help dry someone's tears, to help them through the day, to help them smile, to help them get to the next day, then this world would be a better place. In 2018 I resolve to make that so, to make this world a better place. To make the world happy that I am a part of it.

In 2018 I resolve to just be me. To smile. To laugh. To love. To live. And to be better this time around than I was the last.

In 2018 I resolve to... ((update this one at a later time, with it's own blog post))

Happy New Year, my friends. May you all be blessed with the happiness, and the love that I felt in 2017. Let's make this a year to remember!

With love and respect,
