Another School Shooting

Another school shooting.

That entire sentence is so completely terrible. The phrase "school shooting" preceded by the word "another" should be enough to wake people up! It should be enough for lawmakers, our government, and our people to wake up! School shootings have become too commonplace! It's getting to the point where I don't even want to send my kids to school anymore. Who wants to send their kid to school, and chance losing them to someone that is clearly suffering from a terrible mental illness? I sure as hell don't want to.

The way I see it, and I am no position to make changes, because I am not a rich, white male, there are two major problems here: mental illness, and guns. Yes, that's right, guns ARE part of the problem. I really don't understand why people can't see that. Why does this country continue to turn a blind eye to this, so that no changes can be made to gun control? Why are guns more important than our children? What the hell is wrong with you people? Something needs to change. I'm sick of seeing/hearing about parents sending their children to school, and planning their funerals the next day!

I don't have the answers. I'm not paid to have the answers. I'm not qualified to have the answers. But don't we elect people into office, and pay them, so that they can come up with the answers? Don't we elect them, and pay them so that they can keep us safe? I guess we don't. And the reality of it is that our politicians aren't in office so that they can better our country. Our politicians aren't in office to change the world. They aren't there to ensure our survival. They are there to line their own pockets. In one way or another, they are there for themselves. And the NRA have quite a bit of money to throw around. And every time another mass shooting happens, they open their bank accounts, and they make the problem go away. No, not the problem of losing innocent lives. They make the problem of possibly losing their guns, go away. 

I'm sick of it. I'm sick of the loss of human life at the hands of mentally ill people, who have absolutely no problem getting guns. As I sit here at my computer, typing this blog that will surely piss more people off, than make them think, I have children in school. I have nieces in school. I have nephews in school. I have friends in school. And if you are reading this, chances you do too. So why is it that you don't think of them, as you defend this mentally ill person's right to bear arms? Why would you want to sit back and just hope that your kids gets hurt? Why do you think it can't happen to you? It can. It can happen to any of us. Do you think that the parents that lost their children wouldn't give up their right to bear arms to spend one more minute with their baby? 

They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. We continue to do nothing about mental illness. We continue to do nothing about guns. And yet, we expect the shootings to stop. We expect everything to be okay. Well, the reality of it is that it's not going to be okay. It's not going to change. Children are going to keep dying in schools. Innocent folks going to the mall are going to keep dying. People out to a movie are going to keep dying. As long as we continue to refuse change, people are going to keep dying.

Continue defending your guns all you want, because I imagine that nothing will change. Our government, and the NRA have proven time and time again that it's better to send thoughts and prayers, than to change an amendment written over 200 years ago, when guns were so much harder to get, and so much harder to use! All of you that think that nothing needs to change can just continue sitting there, and watch our children die. And those of us that aren't in a position to change things can keep complaining about it, but we know it won't change. In the end, your guns are more important than your children. And while you're trapped in your delusions, the rest of us will watch innocent young lives continue to be taken. It's sickening, but that's America. The "greatest country in the world". What a joke!

Wake up America, before we all end up dead!

I'm going to offer up this prayer here, because this is my blog, and I can say what I want: Dear Lord, watch over my children, and all of the children of this damaged country, as they sit in school and try to make a better future for themselves. Help them through this day, so that they may continue to grow, and learn, and be the kind of people that can change our future. Help them to get home tonight after school. To play with their friends. To do their homework. To eat dinner. To do their chores. To sleep in their own beds. Lord, just help us all. We need it. More than ever, we need it.

