A Meme That Angered Me, pt. 1

I saw this meme posted on Facebook, and I wanted to go off on the person that posted it, but didn't
feel comfortable with that. Doing so wouldn't make me any better than the person that posted it. And to be honest, I remembered the person as being a pretty good friend way back in elementary school (so very long ago for me!). I will, however, post it here. Shit like this really pisses me off.

What some of the people on Facebook, and in the somewhat lost country of the United States fail to realize is that not every Muslim is a terrorist. And believe it or not, not every one of them were responsible for the attacks in NYC back in 2001. I find shit like this disgusting, and intolerant. It's just a way of spreading your hate, and lies. It needs to stop. Just because one person of a certain faith does something terrible does not mean that all people of that faith are awful human beings. Muslims are capable of being great people. Despite what some really awful ones did back in 2001.

My girlfriend and I listen to Rush Limbaugh on a fairly regular basis, and I've learned a thing or two about prejudice, and hatred from that awful bag of wind. One of the things he likes to point out is that President Obama's middle name is Hussein. And he points this out as if we're supposed to equate him to Saddam, who was a horrible, and sadistic man. There was nothing that evil, and wrong with Obama. Maybe he made some decisions that some don't agree with when he was President of the United States. But to compare to Saddam, based solely on a middle fucking name, is disgusting.

So there you have it. I am not a liberal, and I sure as hell am not a conservative. I believe myself to just be the type of person that doesn't want to hate based on anything except for that person's actions. Not the action of those with similar faith, or middle fucking names. Grow up, you bunch of idiots!
