A Meme That Angered Me, pt. 2

Ladies, and Gentlemen, it is finally time for the second installment of my wildly popular blog series, called "A Meme That Angered Me". I'm going to need you all to strap in for this one, because it is a bit controversial, and it may piss off some of you, my dear readers. Let's take just a moment, and then we'll jump right into it.

So what's going on in the US right now? Well, right now, everyone is all up in arms over all of the new abortion laws. If you want to know my opinion on the subject, I urge you to check out my post a bit earlier in this blog. This post is going to touch on the abortion controversy, but also on something else: forced vaccinations for our children.

Right now, the internet is all up in flames over the new abortion laws. One side wants to tell women what they are allowed to do with their own bodies, while the other side says that nobody should be allowed to tell women what they can do with their own bodies.

For the purpose on this post, let's just say that it's mostly the "left" that don't think women should be told what they can do with their own bodies. Now, I don't consider myself to be "left", but I also don't believe women should be told they can't have an abortion just because the "right" have decided that it is wrong.

Now another issue that has long been no stranger to fighting on both sides has reared its head yet again. And this issue is that of vaccinating children. Now, let me start by saying that all of  my children are current on their vaccinations. Even my ten month old girl. But that is my choice. These shots have been by my choice, and discussed with their mothers. Except for the few that are considered mandatory. And now, I will anger many of you...

I think that mandatory vaccinations are total, and complete bullshit! How can so many tell me that I no longer have the right to choose what I put into my child's body? I should be allowed to review the facts, do some research, and decide if this shot is something that I want my child to have. The government should not be allowed to tell me that my baby girl has to have this shot, or that shot before I can take her home. That is a total crock of shit!

And now we have a new issue where folks on the left are screaming that women should not be told what they can do with their own bodies, and that abortions should not be illegal, but then these same people are turning around saying that mandatory vaccinations should be a total given. Like it's not okay to tell women what they can do with their bodies, but it is okay to tell parents what they can do for their kids. I find this to be hypocritical, and pretty awful.

Vaccinations are a scary thing. We don't know everything that they put in them, and some of the components in them really do frighten me. And a lot of the time, the vaccination really doesn't give a guarantee that we'll be safe from the disease we're trying to prevent. And other times, the side effects are scarier than the potential issue that may arise without it. I've read horror stories about this so-called HPV vaccine that my oldest daughter has received, twice!

In the end, vaccinations come down to money. The pharmaceutical companies can't be held responsible for side effects, and they can not be sued. The only thing that they have to do is continue lining their own pockets, and taking our money to the bank. So how can they tell us that we have to give them to our children, and yet not be held accountable in the end? It's ridiculous the way we want to start an uproar over the rights of women, but money is more important than our children. If I don't want to vaccinate my children with your medicine, why in the hell does your bank account have more rights than I do?

Now again, I am pro-choice for women all of the way. It's none of my business, and as much as you want to believe that it's yours, it is not. But my kids health, and safety, should be up to me. At least until they are old enough to do their own research and come up with their own decision when vaccines are concerned. Nobody should be allowed to force a needle into anyone, for any reason.

Then again, what do I know?
