By Way of Quick Re-Introduction

Hello folks, my name is Rob. If you have visited this blog previously, and I have no reason to believe that you have, you may notice that all of the old posts are gone. Don't you worry your pretty little head about it, those posts still exist, I just "unpublished" them, so that I could start this blog anew, with  something that I have always wanted to. I've always wanted to chronicle a year in my life. And while last year might have been better for this, as it was such a crazy, and hectic year, I can't exactly go back into the past. Or can? One second...

Nope... I can't go back. Note to self: time travel hurts, and in the end is not worth it at all. But, at least I have a cool story to tell now. Time travel causes the loss of a limb. Goodbye right foot. May you suffer in hell for all eternity.

If you've got this far into this post, let me assure you that this blog will not be some sort of "diary". Oh sure, there will be parts of my life here, because I'm the one writing it. But that won't be the entire show, my friends. Instead you'll be reading about whatever I feel like talking about. Now if that isn't your cup of tea, then you just don't like tea. And what kind of sick freak doesn't like tea? It's delightful, and dammit it's refreshing.

Now, you may be wondering what a year in my life looks like. Well, so am I. And that is why I'm going to chronicle it. From the good, to the bad, this is about the crazy, hectic existence that I live.

To put my life into some context: I live with my girlfriend, Julia. We each have three kids from a previous marriage, and last year we had a baby girl together. For those of you bad at math, that's seven kids. So yes, things can get a bit crazy around her. Add to that the fact that I had my right foot amputated last April (that was 2018), and I think you can see that my life is a bit nuts.

Anyhow, I feel like that is a decent introduction to my life, and my blog. Follow along for random posts, long posts, silly posts, and probably one or two Anti-Trump posts (because I don't like that ass-bag).

Much love,

...On second thought, all of the old posts are back. This is me. Let's move forward for the next year, and see what kind of shenanigans that I can get up to.
