It's My Opinion: Abortion

I need to get a bit political here, once again, and talk about a new law in Georgia that makes all
abortions illegal. Now, before I get into this, I want to point out that I know very little in the way of politics. I am also nowhere near as smart as some of the people that express their opinions on this subject. So if that sounds like something you can't deal with, it's probably best to go and read the opinion of someone else. However, if you want to read my rambling rant on the subject, by all means, read on.

The new law, signed by Georgia Gov. Kemp, has become one of the nation's most restrictive anti-abortion laws, banning abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected. This generally occurs at around the six week mark into the pregnancy. This is at a time when many women don't even know that they are pregnant.

Let me stop here and say that I am not pro-abortion. What I am is pro "mind my own business". Would I try to have anyone in my life get an abortion? No. Absolutely not. In fact, if my girlfriend found herself in the position of wanting one, I may try to talk her out of it, as in that case, the child is mine. This is depending on a couple circumstances, which I will get into a little bit further down in this post. However, beyond that, it is none of my business. If the child is not mine in any way, then what right do I have to tell a woman that she can not have an abortion?

Do I find abortion to be a terrible, awful, inhumane thing? Yes. Yes I do. But again, when it comes to another human beings body, it really is none of my business. My body is not going through the pregnancy. My mind is not going through the pregnancy. So what right do I  have? It's not my job to save this person's soul. It is not my job to answer to their God. It is theirs. And more importantly, what right does a room full of cranky, old republicans have to impose their beliefs on anybody? I find that concept to be ridiculous.

Republicans are forcing a ban on abortion for kids that they only care about until birth. After that, they want to do away with any type of help for that child. They don't want food stamps, or any type of government assistance for that child. So their concern for the child ends once a price tag becomes attached to that kid's continued survival. For republicans, at least the more vocal ones, money is the only thing that really matters to them.

This is where exceptions come into my beliefs, and I have two of them. Did you ask for my exceptions? No. But since you are reading this, you opened yourself up to reading what I think the only two exceptions to be. So keep reading if you want to know. If you don't want to know, bugger off, and go watch some re-runs of Perfect Strangers, as that show is delightful as fuck.

Exception number one: When a mother is in imminent danger of losing her life, she should be given the option to abort. I know there are people out there who think that it's still a no-brainer, and the mother should choose to possibly end her own life. However, let's say that this mother has other kids at home. Kids that depend on her. Then I think that the decision to end the unborn child's life becomes an acceptable one. Though, I'm guessing that many mothers would go through the risk, I don't believe that that risk should be forced upon them. That choice should remain only on their shoulders, and the father's. None other.

Exception number two: When the choice to have sex was taken away from the mother. If the mother chose to have sex, then I believe that she should accept the consequences of the child. If she can decide to have sex, she can go through with the trials of pregnancy. And if they choose not to keep the baby, there are many people out there in this world that would jump at the chance to raise that baby.

However, if the mother was raped, or forced into the sex, and she doesn't want to go through the ordeal of the pregnancy, then I do not believe that she should be forced to carry that child to term. Yes, there are people that believe that the pregnancy was God's will. But if your God is the type that would put the person through a horribly traumatic rape, then in all honesty, why should that person care about God's will? That's a God that I don't think I'll be praying to any time soon.

Women that want an abortion will get that abortion. Yes, even the women in Georgia. This new law does nothing but bring a return to back-alley abortions. The kind where women can end up dead, in a pool of their own blood. So are we really accomplishing much with outlawing a safe medical practice. Are we accomplishing much by taking away the safety of a clean, sterile doctor's office? No. And that just goes back to my opinion of "it's none of my business".

Again, I know that none of you asked for my opinion, but this is my blog, and I will write about whatever I choose to write about. If you don't agree with what I say, but want to have a civil conversation about it, I invite you to message me on Facebook. If, however, you want to attack me for my opinion, don't waste your breath. I have cut more important people in my life out, and anyone that just wants to spout hate speech, or get angry with me, has no place in my life.

Once again, thank you for reading my post. Take care, my friends, and tempt not the fates.
