Rush Limbaugh Is A Hateful Asshole

So, if you've read my posts in the past (aka: my previous post), you'll know that my girlfriend and I listen to Rush Limbaugh. Why? To be honest, I do not know. He is an awful human being. Or, at least, he certainly comes across as one. A fact I'm willing to be he is proud of. So full of himself. He thinks he's the most clever. smartest person to ever live. But when I hear this bag of wind talk, all I hear is hatred, racism, and blind ignorance. And yet, he believes in himself so much, that he refers to his talent as "on loan from Gawd".

I can't help but listen to this man's bullshit and wonder how anybody got to be so hateful. If there is any person that would even dare to disagree with him in any part, he will pick that person apart, and label them as an awful liberal, who doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Because of course, differing opinions are definitely the devil's playground. I really wonder, what makes a person so damn hateful, and mean? Who hurt this man when he was growing up?

We listen to him nearly every day, as he delivers one angry tirade after another. Each spiel is more negative than the one before it. And if that weren't bad enough, you get to hear him do impressions of other people, people that he don't like, that makes him sound like the most uneducated idiot that has ever lived. And yet, people eat this shit up. And if a caller does happen to get through, they usually spend the first part of the call kissing his ass, and the rest of the call being ignored.

I guess I just don't understand the point of broadcasting so much hate, and anger. What does he get from spouting his racist, intolerant diatribe? What do his listeners really get from all of his whining, and inane rambling? Would this world not be better if this sort of hate filled rhetoric were stopped, and taken off the air? I guess that I just don't understand why, in a world filled with murder, and destruction, we need to use hate-speech, and anger as a means of entertainment.

I, Rob, am a firm supporter of only one Rush: The Canadian Progressive Rock band. Their songs sing about history, and love, and tolerance, and talking trees. I'll listen to their opinions over Limbaugh's long winded bullshit any day of the week. And don't even get me started on the Cheeto colored idiot that is "running" this country. And no, I don't mean the NRA.
