One Final Goodbye

I found this, going through old Facebook posts. I thought that I'd share it here...

Bored... wrote lyrics for a song. Excuse me if it isn't the greatest thing ever written. Only had about 5 minutes.


One Final Goodbye - 
Broken Hearts and shattered dreams
Happiness washed down the stream
Forever - Forever
Wasted smiles and endless tears
Surrounded by your own worst fears
Alone - So Alone
Just the first in an unending night of sadness
Nothing will ever be right Again
So empty
All the plans that you once made - Ruined
A life so perfect - Ends so soon
And it ended so soon
In the blink of an eye
With so few passing words
One final goodbye
The ache inside it fills you up
It seems as if the void will never heal
So wounded
All the plans once made - Forgotten
It will never be the same again
Forever - Forever
And it ended so soon
In the blink of an eye
With so few departing words
One final goodbye
