I'll never forget the look on her face, as she told us: beaming with pride, and happiness. Her eyes aglow with the exciting prospect of eating another bite of that delicious, cauliflowery goodness. As if the entire world was sitting right there in front of her, and nothing could ever go wrong. She smiled, as I felt just one single teardrop leave my right eye, and slowly trace its way through the pride that was painted on my face.
There aren't many more moments of pride left for me in my daughter's life, so I was thankful for this one. Just knowing that there was a world of cauliflower out there, and she was going to eat ever single floret of it. I could not have been happier as a father.
This past Christmas, we gave her the greatest gift that a kid had ever been given for Christmas. Instead of chocolate, or other junk food, the only thing that she wanted for Christmas was a couple bunches of cauliflower. She was so moved by this gracious gift, that she cried a bit herself. She tried to contain it for just a moment, but I could tell that the tears would flow. And who could blame her? I cried too. I cried a lot. We all did. It was a beautiful moment for the entire house, as we watched her open her beautiful gift. I'll never forget that moment. It is my most fond Christmas memory.
And so today, I salute my daughter Selena, as she raises another fork of cauliflower, and takes this world by storm. God bless you, Selena, and your very best friend, cauliflower.
-Your dad,
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