A Meme That Angered Me, pt. 3

A Meme That Angered Me, pt. 3

It's time for another riveting edition of "A Meme That Angered Me", and the target this week is of course this wonderful meme of a large man, sitting at aa computer, smiling at the picture taker. There are quite a few things that bother me about this meme, so we're going to number those sons of bitches, so that I can keep all of my thoughts in order, cause you all know that I have a problem with that already. So here we go, kiddies!

1: First of all, is it strange that his "office" is in the bathroom? I would hate to have to have my office in a bathroom. I tried it briefly, and it was terrible. But this poor ol' chap seems to be fine with it. No offense to his size, but I know for a fact that bigger people can make a bathroom smell like absolute hell. I know. I've seen me do it!

2: There appears to be a bottle of lotion right there on his disc. Couldn't the picture taker have warned him to move that before snapping this photo? Now, I can only assume that they had no idea this picture would make the rounds as a meme on the internet. But still, what an embarrassing item to have on your desk. Even if a picture wasn't taken, I'd want to hide that shit away before anyone came into my "Shit Den".

3: This picture has got to be fairly old. Now, I know that not all of you are computer savvy, but you can tell by looking at his set up, that this pic is at the very least fifteen years old. That computer is older than something that is really quite old. So, I'm not going to be fooled into thinking that it is a newer picture. This thing is as old as the turd that probably wouldn't flush down for our friend here.

4: His fingers are on the home-row. Now, for those of you that don't know, there is in fact a correct way to type, and this man is doing it right. Which leads me to believe that he is chatting it up in some long forgotten AOL Chat Room. This fact doesn't piss me off, but I thought that I would point it out here.

5: He's asking his mom to  bring him another hot pocket. Looking here, I see absolutely no evidence of a previous hot pocket having been consumed. There's no trash from it to be seen on the desk. There's no pizza sauce residue on his happy looking face. No bits of pepperoni traveling down his huge, generous chest. There's nothing here to suggest that the stereotypical hot pocket has been devoured unto death.

6: Now let's talk about his facial hair. This dude is not a bad looking person, but that facial hair has got to go. It looks ridiculous. I tried to keep my beard like this back when I had a computer similar to his, and let me tell you, it was fucking awful. I really hope that in the years since this polaroid was snapped, that he has come to his senses, and shaved that thing off into Hell!

7: You don't have to be morbidly obese to enjoy a Hot Pocket! They are so very delightful! Oh sure, you'll need the extra "padding" to keep it down, and you'll need a stomach of steel to keep the heartburn at bay. But in the end, who doesn't enjoy a small, portable pizza, where the outer crust is hardened from being overcooked, the inside ends are hot enough to melt lava, and the middle is like a frozen glacier! I think we can all agree that a Hot Pocket it the perfect snack.

8: And finally, and perhaps the most important point - You do not have to be an overweight man, working from an old computer, in your mom's basement bathroom, eating hot pockets to hate Donald Trump. That man is about the biggest piece of shit, asshole, son of a bitch that ever lived. A hatred for Donald Trump as a human being knows no bounds. We can all hate Donald Trump very equally. So don't be trying to equate this man to a target audience that hates Donald Trump. To be perfectly honest, there are people of all body types, all genders, and all races who hate that awful, Cheeto Faced President of the United States.

So there you have it folks. Another meme that has angered me. I know that folks on the far right are going to be pissed off at this, and folks on the far left are going to laugh harder than they should. Both of these are just fine with me. The important thing is that you all understand that myself, along with every other decent human being on the planet will agree with all seven points here (remember, point four was a big thumbs up for our friend here). And for those that are pissed off at me for writing, and posting this... shut up, and go help Trumpy-Poo make America racist, and intolerant again.

One last thing... to the assholes that think it's funny to take picture of overweight people, and turn them into jokes, or stereotypes, fuck you! Whether or not you believe it, obese people are still human beings, and have feelings. Then again, I'm pretty sure a conservative asshole made this meme, so he probably doesn't have feeling or a heart anyway. So I'm probably talking to a bunch of dumbfounded faces here. But don't worry, you'll get yours in Hell, with your little Orange-God.

Thank you, and goodnight. 
