Mass Shooting - Dayton, Ohio Edition

Less than 24 hours after I wrote my last blog post about the shooting in El Paso, Texas, I'm back to write another blog post about another mass casualty shooting in Dayton, Ohio. This post will be shorter, because I am running out of words. I wonder why I am even going to bother writing this. It's been proven time and time again that Americans don't care. We stand by and watch people gun down others, and we do nothing. We, the people, do not care any longer. Gun us down, and we will just hug our guns a little tighter tonight.

Nine people were gunned down last night in Dayton, Ohio. The shooter was another white supremacist bag of douche. Another one of these home grown terrorists that I believe are being fueled by the hate speech, and intolerance that President Trump preaches, so that he can further his own agenda to push his damn border wall. I wonder to myself why we let this keep happening. But I also wonder if those of us that speak out against it are wasting our time, and wasting our voices. It only makes others angry with us. It only causes more name calling, and outright hatred.

At a rally in May, Trump was talking about the supposed immigration problem, and someone in the audience suggested that we shoot them. After some laughter from the audience, and from himself, Trump suggests that that behavior is okay, but only in the Panhandle. This was met by more approval from the audience. So if you want to tell me that Trump isn't inciting this awful behavior, then you are blind to the truth. And that is a pretty big problem. If the President of the United States is saying things like that, then what hope is there for any of us?!

America, I get that you love your guns. I understand that you value your rights to own a gun. But why aren't human lives more important than this. Why aren't human lives important enough to at least start a conversation that may lead to some changes that will bring about the end to these senseless tragedies? Why can't we work together, and stop the damn killing. Why don't we care enough as a people to try? Why are we as a people so angry, and hateful?

Once again, we take some time to mourn our dead, and offer prayers and condolences to the family and friends of those that were affected. We show our sadness and concern, while half of us take the immediate offense, and come to the defense, and aid of our guns. And after a couple of days we will move on to something far less important. Something that really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. We will move on to something that will only further to distract us, until another senseless mass shooting happens. Will it be today? Will it be tomorrow? Will it be next week? And when it happens, will fewer of us even care?

I'll conclude this by saying: America, you gave up. You gave up, and I am wasting my time writing this. Republicans, keep blaming the Democrats. Democrats, keep blaming the republicans. Christians, keep blaming the lack of God in our schools. Responsible gun owners, keep blaming those of us that think that something needs to change. Let's just all keep blaming each other until we're all dead. What difference does it make anyway?
