Mass Shooting - Walmart in Texas Edition

There was yet another shooting in the United States today. This time, a crazy, awful human being walked into a Walmart, and killed (from what I've read) twenty people. And while all of these people may not have been perfect human beings, I'm guessing that none of them deserved to die today. I have read that the shooter was motivated by the immigration problem in the US. Am I alone in thinking that the solution to immigration is not killing innocent human beings? I hate the idea of the wall, but even that is better than the plan that this awful scumbag came up with to forward his sick, and twisted agenda. Why is this person's mind so diseased that he thinks that this is right? Is he fueled by the hateful things that our president has said? Does he just want his fifteen minutes of fame? Or has this hate festered in his heart for years? And why does this keep happening? One piece of crap after another, people are killing people... with guns. I'm not a smart man, I don't have the answers to much of anything. But I do know a thing or two about a thing or two. What I do know is that there are too many mass shootings in this country. Hell, even one is too many in my mind. I honestly don't know why anybody would think that any are acceptable. And yet these are allowed to keep happening. I know you don't think that they're being "allowed", but our arguing, or silence on this so-called "hot button issue" is giving some kind of sick permission for this bullshit to keep happening. And while I don't have the solutions, I do think something needs to be done. Ignoring the problem, or arguing with each other is not going to fix this. There are smarter, better paid people than me, that we vote into office, that are supposed to handle these types of things. Unfortunately, we have two sides of the coin that are fighting the other, to be the only side of the coin. That option is not working. We have Democrats who think no guns are the only solution. We have Republicans who think that our second amendment rights are absolute, and should never be altered, or changed in any way. We have people in the middle who aren't sure what side they want to take, they simply try to keep out of the discussion, so as not to anger those that they care about. And then we have the victims. The ones that are no longer with us. Victims like the children that perished in the senseless Sandy Hook slayings. My girlfriend pointed out to me that if we as a country didn't do anything to end these horrible tragedies then, then it's likely that we never will. And as much as it saddened me to agree with her, I do. Americans hold their right to own guns over the rights of children to live their lives. To grow up. To fall in love. To have their own children. To grow old with the one that they love. Those children, and many like them, do not get those rights. They didn't get a say in the great gun debate. They don't get a say in anything. They are gone now. And it keeps happening. How can we as a country sit by and continue letting this happen? Why won't someone do something? Why do our children have to keep dying. My fellow Americans, I ask you all, what is wrong with us? Now, before you attack me for wanting to take your guns, I need to say that I don't think taking away all of the guns is the answer. In a perfect world, guns would not exist. Bombs wouldn't exist. Hatred in our hearts would not exist. But this is not a perfect world. This is a world for human beings. And unfortunately, humans are an awful, barbaric species. Honestly, I think that whoever started this little experiment that we call humanity has given up on all of us. They have left. We are alone. Alone to teach our hatred to our children. Alone to preach love and understanding, but teach hatred and exclusion. Alone to keep killing each other. Alone to die. How can this be right? Are we the only species alive that kill others of our own for disagreements? Why can't we be better than this? It's not right, my friends. It's not right. It saddens me. It sickens me. And yet, it continues happening all around me. All around all of us. It is my understanding that a lot of these mass shooters are often identified, after the tragic events, as someone that people saw it coming from. From bullied school-mates, to radical religious zealots, to disgruntled co-workers, and even the lowest of the low, white supremacists. And all of these people speak their minds at great lengths. They do not hide their hatred. They do not hide their disdain. They wear it right on their sleeves, for the whole world to see just how right they are. As if no opinion, no belief, and no life is more right than their own. Now, I believe in the freedom of speech, but maybe those spouting off horrible hate speech should be monitored very closely. If someone is talking about white Americans being the only worthy race/nationality, then maybe we keep an eye on these people. Maybe we keep an eye on the social media of a person that someone sees as a future killer. Because even this is better than doing nothing, which is what we usually do. And that is not working... at all. Is it a perfect system? No. But I wonder if it might help. I wonder if it could stop even one mass casualty shooting. I wonder if this might save even one innocent human life. If Facebook can somehow monitor our conversations, and suggest to us through their ad system what type of motor oil we should use, then why are they not able to monitor this awful, terrible hate speech? A lot of people didn't come home tonight. There are a lot of grieving friends and family. And while we as a nation give our condolences, and offer up our prayers, these innocent human beings are no longer with us. They will no longer put a smile on someone's face. They will no longer hug their children, or kiss their spouse goodnight. They will no longer sleep in their beds, and wake up in the morning to go to their menial jobs. Those options were taken away from them by someone that somehow slipped through the very large cracks or our broken, and beaten system. Folks, it is time to stop with the "Guns Don't Kill People" crap. That line is bullshit. It's tired, bullshit. Plain and simple. And I am sick to death of cop outs like this. Maybe the guns didn't kill the people, but that guy didn't go into the Walmart, and punch twenty people to death. People Use Guns To Kill People. End of story. Oh sure, maybe he could use his car. Hell, maybe he could have even used a butter knife. But he didn't. This piece of garbage walked into Walmart and killed twenty innocent people. Something needs to change. And if you want to say that guns have nothing to do with it, then maybe you have wasted your time reading this, and I've wasted my time writing this. Because you, my friend are blind. You're blind to a terrible problem that continues to happen, time and time again. It's sickening. It's sad, and it needs to end. I'm mortified and tired of seeing so many mass shootings in the United States. It's gotten so bad! We say our condolences, argue about gun control verses mental health, and in the end, not one single thing changes. Why? What is wrong with us, that we are okay with this? Something has to change! Because if it doesn't, we're all going to end up dead. Small town, big city, tiny suburb, no place is safe from the senseless violence of a person that could have been stopped if only we could cease being angry with each other, and work together to make some real changes. Changes that will ensure that more people get to go home and sleep in their own beds tonight. My friends, I once again remind you that I am not a smart man. I don't have the answers. But what I do have is a heart. A heart for those people that lost their lives in this, and all of the other mass shootings that have happened in recent years. I don't want to be scared to go to the mall. I don't want to be scared to go to a concert, or to see a movie. I do not want to be scared to send my children to school. I'm begging you all, as the people of a nation that once was great, to help make this country great again. Because even though certain people have said that they will, and have made America great again. it's not great now. And it hasn't been for a long time. But I'm telling you, building a wall will not make this a great country. Telling those that weren't born here to go back home will not make this country great again. Less senseless tragedies are a great start. And I'm afraid that our politicians have decided that they don't care. We need to do something about this, my friends. Because if we don't, we're all going to know someone that was a victim of the latest mass shooting. And I'm praying that none of you want this.
I'll get off of my soap-box now. But I want to implore you all one last time: Stop the arguing. Stop the hatred. Stop the anger. And stop the killing. Because if we do not, we're all going to end up dead before our time.
